Here We go.. Smart Pupils Version 2.0 is released
Finally the smoke is over and Smart Pupils team released most anticipated version of Smart Pupils.
Here is a quick overview of some of the awesome features which will make our customers’ life easier and happier.
Fees Waiver
Important Features
Head wise Fees
First time ever Smart Pupils has been integrated with Accounts Module. This will help our valued customers have exact information about the income of different heads. ask google app . For Example: How much income has been raised in account of Tuition Fees during 2014-15 or how much income has been raised in the account of Admission fees in 2014-15.
Another major update that this version takes is Fees Waiver. Smart Pupils allows schools to waive Students on different heads. Our valued customers need to define once the Waiver to students which will automatically be applying on the students.
Now the Smart Pupils customers will be able to extract comprehensive reports on Waivers. They can have an analysis report of how much waiver is given in any category or head.
The Enhancements
Fees Invoices
Fees Invoices has been updated as per the demand raised by our Valued Customers. Fees invoice is now capable to generate multiple months’ invoices in One Go. Users can now customize the invoice exactly as per their own need. For Example: If a user wants to generate an invoice of April 2015 and June 2015 in one Invoice or May 2015 and July 2015. Every month can take multiple heads of Fees.
Fees Collection
The update on Fees Collection helps our users collect fees head wise too. This feature will be strongly appreciated as previously application did not let users give a head wise discount but a on the whole fees. Now, users will be give discount on anything they want to give away.
This new version of Smart Pupils will ease not only the way schools create and cater Fees Management but will give them a comprehensive reporting of earnings and expenses.